Thursday, January 31, 2008

Art Attack

A couple of years ago, I visited this artist's exhibition and couldn't resist buying a painting. It's now my absolute favorite piece of art :-)

Check it out!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Imagine - Part II

So… Kuwait was invaded by Iraq. At the time, Iraq was declared an ally and a hero by the official media, speakers…etc.
What would have happened if we had believed the Iraqi version of the story? That they had came to liberate us… that we’re uniting against corruption, o Qaroon, o Israel.


What if the rest of the world didn’t stand by Kuwait? If no one was willing to fight for us?
When the French President said that Kuwaities have the right to “choose” their ruling regime, what would have happened if Kuwaities chose any other regime?
If--- tafta7 3amal al shaytan
What's funny is, some of them attempt very hard to destroy
that history and cancel all the What-if possibilities.
Check out this mahzala:
An invitation to imagine – Part 1

Back in 1989 and before the invasion in 1990, there was this huge movement (3ajel has an excellent archive of the movement) in Kuwait demanding the restoration of the parliament and reactivating the constitution.
This movement was extremely popular, it united –eventually- all political parties. The government was getting increasingly more violent.

But what if there was no invasion in August 1990?
What do you think would have happened?

Use your imagination….
Would the government succumb to the popular demand? Would it get even more violent? How far were both ends willing to go?

If there was no invasion, no prisoners, no blood shed, no Americans, no direct confrontation with Saddam, no oil fires, no cultural trauma,…etc. things would have been different. But how different?

How would have Kuwait been?


Islamist - 7adas - waleed tabtaba2y and the like?

Indulge me :-)