Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Serious Post

I’m reading this wonderful non-fictional book for a change and it’s called “Devil’s Game” – by Robert Dryfuss. I’ve been too busy so I’m not reading as much as I want to! Let’s just say that on a two hour plane trip I couldn’t put it down both ways! (yes yes I am slow)

For all of you out there sympathetic with Islamist fundamentalists, go ahead and read it!

For all of you who – like me – hate their guts, ham go ahead and read it!!!!

The book mainly explains the role of both Brittan and the United States in sponsoring fundamentalists starting with Gamal El Din El Afghani, Mohammed Abdo, Wahhabis, Mulism Brotherhood, Ikhwan, Ayyatollah in Iran, and all the way to Al Qaeda. It explains how Gamal El Din El Afghani was a multi-agent for the brits, the Russians, and whoever would recruit him – claiming to lead a pan-islam idea across Islamic nations, while he himself was an atheist. So was the case for many other glorified Islamic leaders.

The book also explains how the US sponsored Hasan El Banna – Founder of the Muslim Brotherhood – and eventually continued to sponsor the whole group to bring down Gamal Abdulnasser. Who was a threat because he was the strongest most popular nationalist Arabic leader during the cold war.

How crazy wahhabis carried the worst massacres in Arabia utilized by Ben S3oud to be able to rule the area. The alliance began a “campaign of killing and plunder all across Arabia, first in Central Arabia, then in Asir in Southern Arabia and parts of Yemen, and finally in Riyadh and the Hijaz, in 1802 they raided the Shiite holy city of Karbala in what is now Iraq killing most of the city’s population, destroying the dome over the grave of the a founder of Shiism and looting property, weapons, clothing, carpets, gold, silver, and previous copies of the Quran.” The British welcomed the alliance because they believed it would help them gain control over the Persian gulf.

How “Mufti El Quds” had no academic credentials what so ever, but was rather a political ally for the British!

So on and so forth…

I couldn’t help thinking about our wonderful ISHlamics – tabtaba2y, nasir el sani3, Faisal el Mislim, and kel el mutaraddya elli 3indina. If it took us more than 200 years to find documented facts about the crimes of the wahhabis, when are we going to find out the truth about hal natee7a?

Funny thing…. When an arab writes about these things, he’s immediately slaughtered (faraj foda 7abiby). So we have to learn about our history from the same people trying to control us… ya 7ilooooona!

The book is HOT HOT HOT and full of facts, quotes, and numbers.



Anonymous said...

Thanks Arfana, can't wait to read it.

Arfana said...


i promised a friend to lend her my copy when i'm done... wella chan 7alalik :-)

Anonymous said...

i didn't read it but it seems that it's consiparacy theory material !!

off topic : try omar wal tashayo3 for hasan el Alawi ,, good book

Arfana said...


i'll check it out :-)

Go ahead and read it, no conspiracy there... i wish this was the case.

Mohammad Al-Yousifi said...

هل فعلا تحتاجين تقرئين كتاب عشان تكتشفين هالسوالف؟

هالحقائق واضحة وضوح الشمس في عز يوليو

بس نحتاج نشيل النظارة

انا هالأيام هاب اقرأ فلسفة فلحد يحاجيني

Arfana said...


أنا أحتاج أقرا على طول

يمكن فاهم إن الأمريكان وراهم، لكن عارف لأي درجة؟

تدري إن آيةالله الخميني انتمى لنفس المجموعة اللي وقفت مع الشاه وضد مصدقي (واللي كان يبي يأمم بترول إيران للإيرانيين) بفلوس ومخابرات الأمريكان وهم وقفت ضد الشاه بفلوس ومخابرات الأمريكان؟ لين صاروا بره كنترول الأمريكان

أنا ما كنت أدري

Mohammad Al-Yousifi said...

لا زلت ما احب اقرأ بهالسوالف كوني ادري ان السياسة زبالة مكرم القاريء و ما احتاج اضيع وقتي لمعرفة مكونات او مدى قذارة هالزبالة

اقرأ بأشياء اخرى كثيرة بس سياسة ليلحين ما دشيت فيها

Arfana said...


maa aloomik :-)

blacklight said...

Religion =tool to achieve political control over people always been and always will ever be.

you dont spared religion by cause and reason it would take time to convince the human mind that would always keep asking you "why".

you will be amazed if you read that Islam massive spared was due to unjustified wars lead by dictators and mercenaries .such historical tragedies have caused global grudge against us cuz we were the horde that kept hunting their ancestors in that era.

anyways its been a long time since ive read something usefull guess i will take alook at it.

Arfana said...


history is full of wars believed necessary to spread believes,not just islam.

the scary thing about political islam, is that it has an agenda beyond islam.. it's control.

To understand how much control they have, it's not a matter of Al Qaeda or 7izballa or other military group.. just look at how much islamic funds are now being promoted by international banks! Who is Citi Bank to have a shari3a compliant fund??????????? Why isn't it 7aram for those "foriegners" to promote such fund? Islamic Economy is their new wave of control. And as long as it's bringing money for everyone, who dares cares? :-)

I can't tell you enough how great the book is. All i can say is that we all should read it and expose islamists to everyone.

PS> nice seeing you again :-)

بالديسار said...


تعليق وايد متأخر بس حبيت أولا أسلم

قبل سنتين كنت في طريقي للقاهرة من أوربا وجلست بجانب شخص أمريكي أشيب الرأس
ومن ضمن الحديث قال أنه يأتي للقاهرة بصورة مستمرة لأنه يحبها منذ أن كان طفلاً عاش فيها في طفولته مع والده ظابط الإستخبارات الأمريكية
وأنه يتذكر والده يخبره فيما بعد عن حجم التعاون مابين والده وجمال عبدالناصر وكمية الأموال النقدية التي تم جلبها وتسليمها للقائد شخصياً

مشكلتي أنني كنت مقتنعاً يوما ما بالقومية العربية

Arfana said...

عزيزي بالديسار

ممكن يكون هالكلام صحيح أول أيام كنيدي. فالعلاقة بين الإثنين كانت مبشرة في بدايتها، إلى أن تم الضغط على الطرفين فحصل ما حصل. السبب الرئيسي لكره أمريكا وبريطانيا لعبدالناصر كان اعتقادهم بأنه سيوحد مصر والسعودية وبالتالي يخسرون كل البترول والذي كانوا يستفيدون منه (وما زالوا). لكن السعودية ما قصرت وتعاونت مع إسرائيل وبريطانيا وأمريكا لمحاولة تحطيم الثورة.

أنا مازلت أؤمن بالقومية... لكن ... التطبيق صعب صعب صعب يا باشا

وعاش من شافك!:-)