Wednesday, May 21, 2008

خطــــــــر التفـــــــــاهــــة

Now, I am not a member in any official party! I actually gave up politics years back because I’m too straight forward to be in a party of any kind.

Not being a member of ta7alof or manbar doesn’t deprive me of the right to express myself. I am, in the end, a citizen and I try to do what I can.
واللي مو عاجبه يشرب البحر

First of all, ta7alof:
Aseel was truly a great success… beyond my initial expectations. Although I did expect her to win in the last two weeks before elections. She really came out of nowhere and nearly brought down Al Sane3! No one can argue that this was nothing less than a phenomenon.

Hard luck 3ayyooosh!

Unfortunately, our society isn’t yet politically mature. People don’t vote because they like the program or what you say, people vote coz they simply… well.. like you (lack of critical thinking as a friend called it)! Fortunately, Aseel had that natural appeal. In addition, she had that extra something. In my opinion, she’s by no means perfect.. no one is. I’m hoping she refines these skills by next elections.

Sale7 too has this natural appeal. Which I think ta7aluf should have taken into consideration when they made their decision. Now there’s a lot of controversy on that issue. One of which is the mechanism and the pre-agreement between both parties. But in my humble opinion, all of this mess could have been addressed better from day one, and I say this despite my personal reservation on Sale7. As I said, no one is perfect.

The fact that this is the first election ta7aluf participated in, and the fact that it’s a young organization, may forgive a lot of the organizational mistakes/messes (although I think you can reduce the learning curve with proper training). But one main deadly mistake is the emphasis this elections put on al ta7aluf as “ta7aluf jibla”. Having no candidates in 4th and 5th constitutes maybe due to lack of resources, still that was a strategic error as I see it. This has naturally alienated any of the wataniyeen in 4th and 5th. I truly hope this is avoided next time, even if it means reducing resources somewhere else.

Side note
I think it is good that the 5 constituates have introduces “Qawa2em”, but people need to learn how to commit to a Qa2ema and not individuals or Qabeela or Mathhab! This is a new concept for Kuwaitis and will take its time. The problem is, when the candidates don’t commit!!!!!!!!!! Ya3ni ham you’re sponsored and your campaign is funded by someone else o you don’t commit??? Ma testi7ee??

Now yal manbar
Where are you guys all these years? Why don’t you show up before elections? We’ll need to see more effort in awareness campaigns and political debates… moo yetla3lena el naibay bel dayra el wa7da during elections and demands marsoom dharoora! Wain ga3deen marsoom dharoora? As if we needed that extra fire to put out!!!

I wish to see more of el manbar as a team if it still exists, not as individual initiatives.

In the end, I just want to say this.

For all of you out there who are quarrelling about who’s right and who’s wrong… please let this go. It will do a lot of harm, and absolutely no good. We’re not kids fighting over a balloon!

We’re citizens facing a real danger with this upcoming parliament!
We’re a country whose women still vote for those who don’t believe in their right to vote!
We’re families who don’t have proper schools for our children or descent hospitals for our sick!
We’re parents who can’t see a future for their kids!

If all of this doesn’t mean a thing to you… then Kuwait has truly lost.
Shape up!


حلم جميل بوطن أفضل said...

معقول الكلام

أنا أنتقد مبدأ الطاعة أو البيعة لدى الإخوان

الا ترين أن العدوى قد إنتقلت الى التحالف؟ طاعة الصقر هي من يحدد من في القائمة و من خارجها

لا تنسين إن التحالف مظلة لتيارات متعددة. هذه هي الفكرة الأساسية. لكنني اليوم أرى إن المظلة قد تحولت الى تيار أوحد يقوده الصقر و كل من خالفه الرأي ابتعد عن هذا التيار

و أبرز من إختار الإبتعاد هم من أبناء القبائل الذين إحتاجهم التحالف في الدوائر الرابعة و الخامسة

ما رأيك فيما أدعي؟

Arfana said...

حلم جميل

شخصيا لست من معجبي الصقر.. لكني أتفهم الحاجة إليه

اللي فهمته من التحالف أن هذه القرارات تأتي من المكتب التنفيذي وليس من الصقر

عندي ثقة في الشباب .. ورايي إنهم راح يتعلمون من أغلاطهم.. بس واجبنا نساندهم بدل ما نهاجمهم

أما عن ابتعاد القبائل.. فما أعتقد إنهم يو عشان يروحون

وهذا اللي يلزم التحالف إنه يروح لهم

شفت شلون.. حلوين عندنا أشياء نتفق عليها

Mohammad Al-Yousifi said...

اتفق معاج

Bad-Ran said...

For all of you out there who are quarrelling about who’s right and who’s wrong… please let this go. It will do a lot of harm, and absolutely no good. We’re not kids fighting over a balloon!


Temetwir said...

1. a) ilta7alof: is a one man show, the way i see it at least .. khalid ilm6airy has way too much say in everything, and they have this 'Bush philosophy' abt them: either ur 100% with ur, or ur against us.. yeah, there's an idea that works :)
b) dr aseel: welne3im o 3ala rasi magelna shay + extremely charming woman .. but, "mn awa'el alatheen dakhalo elq8 ba3d elqazo" 7a6eena ka khebra wa6aneya in the brochure? bacher 3abdala ma3yoof beykon ma3thor la ketab ena ohwa ely rifa3 kora 3artheya gawwal menha flan leflani ka khebra wa6aneya..
yes, it was a GREAAAT achievement what she got in the number of votes.. bas ilsara7a she is underqualified (my humble, slash silly, personal opinion) .. wela shmala neg3ad net7al6am 3ala the other examples who run for parliament (and win) in "certain districts".
c) 7elwa lack of resources, yazatly ilsara7a.. no comment there :)

btw i'm not sure if i would call el ta7alof an organization .. they're more like a gathering arent they?

2. a) ilmenbar: is a live-in-the-past one man show .. namely, elnaibary..
again, 3ala rasi o magelna shay bas ma sewat 3alaina mn gelna kelma kalloona .. i dont think any1 is here to undermine the man or his past, but to take everything he says for granted seems like doing exactly the opposite of what he wants to say .. i told u mn ayam elentekhabat 3endy wayed mola7athat 3ala one particular speech, bs in reality it extends to further down history lane

b) zayid ilzayid on alrai said something which i think is so true and i totally agree with: elmulla was not widely referred to as 'the menbar candidate' in the district, which may have hurt him.. but becuz it didnt, maybe it served him.. i think that is absolutely correct, and i still stand by my comment in ur previous topic 3an lama yaab ilsar3awy

3. ilgawa'em: 7aalha 7aal salat mo3ajinaat mn mr baker .. mo shar6 aakel kelshay, yakhi bas meshtehy pizza shmala a6ag6eg za3tar o sabanekh?
i think that's a pretty self-explanatory analogy, given the results of ely enzalaw eb gawa'em .. tekfain y3ni 7ata elta'alof bel oola tesh'had

4. both "ilshelletain" u mentioned spend way too much time reacting and commenting and setting up nadwat yege6oon feha ga6aat maasskha 3ala iltayaar ildeeny .. time which i think should be spent being proactive rather than reactive .. 3ayazt wana akteb hal kalmetain eb posts that are related to 'el7araka el lebralcheya' in kuwait *weltasmeya mojaaza* bas i think its true, madri

Anonymous said...

What are your: "personal reservation on Sale7."??

Please share! You cannot leave us hanging!

"mechanism and the pre-agreement.." is the excuse Saleh insisted on using (on TV & in diwanias) so our Ta7alof friends don't lose face.


علي الراشد من المنبر. استقال إجبارياً بسبب ترقيته الى قاضي

المنبر رشح ٣: الشايع و العبدالجادر و الملا

المنبر وصّل ٢ ن ٣

و لو لا غضب قواعد و لجان المنبر على قرارات التحالف في الدائرة الثالثة لأوصل الشايع أيضاً!

قرروا ان يركزوا على المنبري الليبرالي الصرف (الملا) بدل ان يخاطروا بمن اتو لمغالطة الحركة الوطنية بأكملها

Arfana said...

ma6goog & bad-ran,

وانا بعد وياكم

Temi dear,

1-a. this seems to be the case doesn't it? i think we should put some pressure but also support the others to change this.

1-b. i know what you're talking about and this is why i'm suggesting training. i don't think she's "underqualifies" as much as needing the experience :-)

1-c. ta7aluf is not a party but they are an organization. shensammyha?

2-a. same here, i just don't want to dwell ;-)

2-b. so this mean that winning is the goal but public awareness isn't? i'm not objecting i'm just trying to understand their strategy.

3. lol a7la analogy.But it's an alternative we need to learn to remove the biasies discussed. don't you think? ya3ni better choices in qawa2em should be made next time

4. yeah the whole campaign was on the defense. i didn't like that as well.

Arfana said...


i spoke about my reservation earlier. But isn't it funny that after all i wrote, the only thing that got your attention was this line? :-)

El manbar 3ala rasi but i'm looking for solutions and not trying to undermine it.

حلم جميل بوطن أفضل said...

و من في المكتب التنفيذي يستطيع مخالفة الصقر؟

ما الحاجة للصقر؟ هل يشكل تلك المرجعية الفكرية التي يحتاجها التيار الليبرالي الذي تتقاتل إجنحته في غيابها؟

أم إنه ممول؟ يعني صاحب الحلال و على التحالف له بالطاعة؟

أما عن القبائل

سعد بن طفلة
علي الزعبي
زايد الزيد

يعني بإختصار جماعة معك

على فكره ، لو خيرتيني بين التحالف و معك. لأخترت التحالف بلا تردد

لكن أيضاً هذا الخلاف يجب أن يدرس و يعالج و لو كان الثمن رأس أحدهم ، وجبت التضحية به؟

على فكره

هناك مساحات مشتركة كثيرة و كبيرة جداً ، بس لو نملط القدرة على سماع الآخر و محاولة فهمه

Anonymous said...

!!!مت من الضحك لمن قريت الموضوع


أخاف مضيّع؟؟؟

نسينا ما كلينا يا أرفانا؟؟؟ ;)

إي والله "خطر التفاهة" ما تفضلتي به في مقالاتج السابقة

ألحين ياية تبين نهدّين الأوضاع؟؟؟

بلا لف ودوران وجمبزة!! مو علينا يا أرفانا من نفسج

I feel very sad for you!

ملقوف said...

نقوشي..اسلوبك في الحوار مسكت! خابر أشكالكم انا من ايام الجامعة
حلم جميل: اتفق معاك ان الصقر راعي الحلال ويمكن هذا السبب الوحيد اللي اتباع التحالف يصوتون له. لكن ليش لازم يطيعونه؟ والله عفية عليهم اذا بياخذون بيزاته ويقولون اللي يبونه. وبعدين ابناء القبائل لا يمثلهم اشباه المثقفين و العجافين من امثال سعد بن طفلة و علي الزعبي. واحد ما بقى شيخ ما تلزق فيه والثاني مابقى احد ما تلزق فيه. و انا اتفق مع ارفانة ان الحركات الوطنية أو الليبرالية مطلوب منها توصل لمناطق البدو في الكويت و تتواصل معاهم. طول عمرها الحركة الوطنية حركة سنية و حضرية. الوجود الشيعي و البدوي فيها محدود و مهمش. مو لأن مافيه كفاءةعندهم لكن لأن سلوك الحركة الوطنية مثل سلوك اي اغلبية في العالم..لا تهتم اهتمام حقيقي بالاقليات. والمشكلة الاكبر ان الاقليات عندنا تنتمي غالبا لتراث محافظ مو وايد موت مع الليبرالية..المطلوب جهد حقيقي لاقناع الناس ان الديمقراطية حل

Anonymous said...


ilove u

Anonymous said...

صح كلامج

Arfana said...

حلم جميل

ألن يكون أروع ما في الدنيا أن يخلو أي تجمع سياسي يعجبنا ممن لا نملك ضده حجة؟

يا ريت الوضع جذيه.. لكن الصقر على الرغم من سمعته.. يستمع للمنطق أحيانا..من تجربتي الشخصية.. ولا داعي للشباب أن يخافوا منه ولا من صوته العالي

أما الأسماء التي ذكرتها فأنا أتفق مع ملقوف


حزين أن ترى مستقبل الكويت مضحكا


ودي أناجرك لكن كلامك 100% صح ومو قادرة أطفرك

نورت عالم التدوين


I love you too...

يالله محدش واخد منها حاجة


مادام متفق.. عيل يبيله بوست يديد


Anonymous said...

ّIt's me again

I don't think you were looking for solutions during elections time. You were just part of the problem.

AyyA said...

و الله تعجبيني

علي فكره
ما فهمت و لا شئ من بوستك الماضي
ثقافتي المصريه

Anonymous said...

صج إسم على مسمى

عفواً... لكن مصداقيتج = صفر

والدليل ما تفضلتي به في مقالاتج السابقة... للأسف!

والمضحك المبكي أنك لا تمتلكين الجرأة والشجاعة في الرد والدفاع عن وجهة نظرك

أمر حزين جداً

Arfana said...

last anonymous

not to repeat myself, but i still believe that my question then remains legitimate. Sorry we disagree.

after all these years i couldn't teach you anything egyptian? :-) I'm a true failure then :-)

شكرا على المرور

Anonymous said...


شكراً على الهروب... مجدداً

ملقوف said...

تدرون منهو اهبل من اللي ما يفهم النغزة؟
اللي يفهمها و يتهيبل
ارفانة اتمنى لو عندي قدرتك على الصبر على هبل بعض الناس