Sunday, September 07, 2008

On Freedom of Speech

Von Hayek Said:

In any society freedom of thought will probably be of direct significance only for a small minority. But this does not mean that anyone is competent, or ought to have power, to select those to whom this freedom is to be reserved . . . To deprecate the value of intellectual freedom because it will never mean for everybody the same possibility of independent thought is completely to miss the reasons which give intellectual freedom its value. What is essential to make it serve its function as the prime mover of intellectual progress is not that everybody maybe able to think or write anything, but that any cause or idea may be argued by somebody So long as dissent is not suppressed, there will always be some who will query the ideas ruling their contemporaries and put new ideas to the test of argument and propaganda.

This interaction of individuals, possessing different knowledge and different views, is what constitutes the life of thought. The growth of reason is a social process based on the existence of such difference.


Anonymous said...

ده انجليزي ده يا مرسي؟

Unknown said...

صح السانج !

blacklight said...

قافلتهم تسير بسرعة البرق وكلابنا تنبح مقننه ومقطعه لحرية الرأي متذرعه تاره بالدستور وتاره بالشرع وتاره بالثوابت الإجتماعيه .

تحياتي وشكرا لك على النقل الجميل بهذا الشهر الغير الجميل.

Mohammad Al-Yousifi said...

ma gareet

Sowhat said...

nicely phrased i must say ..
well freedom of thoughts and expression is always good in society who respect the thoughts of every one , and between ppl who would accept if their ideas were accepted or defeated

unfortunately ppl over here .. islamist , atheist both try to dominate others and both were created as reflect or as the great newton stated in his third law
"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

for those reasons it will never work .. neither here nor anywhere .
thanks for sharing it

Bad-Ran said...


Me said...

Yah freedom of speech… i will quote mohammad 3abid el jabri for you “ان‏ماساتنا في الوطن العربي هو اننا لسنا محرومين من الكلمة فقط، بل وايضا من «حق طلب الكلمة‏»، الحق الذي من دونه‏يفقد الانسان هويته كانسان، ذلك أنة من دون هذا الحق لن يكون حيوانا ناطقا بل سيكون«حيوانا....».
Sowhat (sorry Arfana) but the third law is a physical law which only valid in the physical world. And some times it does not even hold in the physical world. Please refer to a philosophy of science book regarding the subject. On the other hand, and although human lives in a dynamic society that involve movement but it is a different kind of movement that can not be explained by any physical law. Otherwise all the physicists in the world would be anthropologists and visa versa.
But you know what? Some times you wish that human society follow the same pattern as the classical mechanics. in fact I wish that the physical world would also follow the Newtonian mechanics but unfortunately they don’t . and that is a big unfortunate …

Arfana said...

أم الهيماني

شفتي ياختي البجاحة؟؟


مو لساني أنا تنقصت لكم بس


ناس عندهم فلاسفة... ونحن نستعير أقوالهم لأنهم بيصكون قسم الفسلفة عندنا بالمرة


shame on yo


as the quote says, we can never grow as a society without freedom of speech.
we lack critical thinking in our culture all together. that's why you see blind followers on either end. This doesn't mean we don't deserve freedom of speech... wella ana ghaltana? :-)


بسك مسلسلات مصرية


nice quote!

as for the laws of physics, i agree... i too wish they can apply to societies o nkhalles.

Sowhat said...

erm , usually i don't reply to the replies in respect for the blog owner , but since it is constructive discussion i think there is no harm in replying . sorry arfana if that annoy you . you could delete my comment later on.

when i stated the thrid law i wasn't picturing pushing a man with one hand and see how far he would go and measure the force , time and distance .
it was a metaphor , a valid one i believe , as aggression will be faced by aggression etc , yes as u kindly and rightly stated human being isn't as simple as this and they are controlled by different factors like emotion , society , mental status and others , but deep inside any human - and now talking as scientist - simple physics law's still valid and works just like other subjects around us , how ever expression of those law's could be omitted by the control mechanism of the human being , but again to control some thing it means it exist in the first place , and it proves the validity of the theory .one point to add , i believe at one point in the future .. all knowledge will be integrated , and you will not see the visible borders u can see now
thank you , and sorry again arfana

iDip said...

كلام جميل ومفيد

وتعلمت كلمة جديدة

شكرا :)

Arfana said...


bel3ax i enjoy discussions and learn from them. Why else do we have blogs?? :-)


I had to look it up :-)
اكتبوها يمكن تنفعكم هاهاها

Mok said...

ma gareet

bs i miss u

Me said...

but even metaphor should be valid as in having some sense to them! and aggression not always will be answered by aggression; aggression some times will be answered with forgiveness. in fact that what most religions teach (forgiveness). but still that would assert your 2 nd point which is that deep inside simple physics applies. BUT IS IT?!
how can you measure the reaction for aggression. how can you estimate the aggression it self. let us go from aggression to love! if some one loves you, how can you measure the amount of love and then react to it in the same amount. or if some one loves you but you don’t ! how that would be applied to the 3 rd law? this is on the personal level which is the simplest form of human society. that is each society is formed by collective of individuals. so, on the personal level your thesis does not apply. but let us examine your thesis on a larger scale, the human society.
society is somewhat predictable. but that required certain methods which have its roots in the social science and it is not related to physics.
on knowledge and how they will be integrated. Are you referring to Dialectical Materialism or the String theroy????
if you are talking about Dialectical Materialism, then it is too have its limitation as a way of philosophical thoughts. and there are many critique to the theory otherwise you would see all the world wearing red and hanging Marx photos : ) i wish…
and if you are talking about the string theory (which is only mathematically proven by the way), then i guess we have to wait the out come of the new accelerator (hope they would not create a black hole) and by the way string theory too does not apply to the human society … because it is too a law driven from math and physics…
another note, my reply to you is not related to the 3 rd law! and do not be so defensive man; you scared me. i pictured you as a guy with a beard punching the keyboard very hard and next to you a rifle… just kidding … peace dude …

Arfana said...


وليش ما تقرا؟

يا فرحة أمي فيني


wow that's a mouthful!
Tara no one is angry sally 3anniby

anyways, there are studies in the direction of quantam physics and emotions.

such studies influence theories like "The Secret"

I just can't imagine how it could apply to a whole society though.

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