Monday, June 08, 2009

شخابيط أرفانه
دماغي مليئة بالأفكار.... لم أجد طريقة جيدة لمزجها غير "الشخبطة" على حائطي هذا بنفس العشوائية التي تملأ رأسي
كيف يتّهم العرب بمعادة السامية؟ ألسنا أبناء نفس الفصيلة؟؟؟؟ وبالأمارة نملك نفس المنطق وحتى مطاوعتنا يتشابهون بقبح الذقن الطويل والسمنة الناتجة عن الاكتئاب الروحاني

على سيرة االلحية... حسن نصرالله حاشه جنون العظمة؟ أم هو مجنون من زمان وأنا اللي انغشيت فيه؟ أم ما زلت أحلم بالوحدة العربية... واللي يتربى على القومية صعب يكفر بها؟

مؤخرا صار عندي حساسية من كلمة حقوق الإنسان.... لأن أول ما يخطر ببالي عندما أسمع هذه الكلمة هو صور التعذيب ... وبصراحة آي كانت ستومك إت أني مور

على طاري حقوق الإنسان.... ماذا نعرف عما فعله الأتراك بالمارونيين في لبنان والأرمن في كل مكان آخر؟؟

وعلى طاري الأديان... مبدأ الإثم والخطيئة... هل هو تطور فلسفي مثلما يزعمون؟ أم هو ما دمر روحانية الأديان؟

وهالأسبوع صعب الواحد يفكر في الدين بدون أن يذكر أوباما... والبهايم اللي كانت تصفق كل ما قال آية قرآنية أو حديث! يعني شتم كل الحكومات العربية بأسلوب رأيته أجمل من الرائع... لكنه استشهد بآية فعدت السالفة على قطيع الخرفان؟

وهم على طاري الإسلام.... يا ترى ما سر "غيرة" المسلمين على دينهم؟ يعني الواحد ما يقدر يناقش أي شي له علاقة بالدين بدون ما يزعل منه المسلمين ويتهم يمينا وشمالا بكل أنواع التهم.... سمعتوا أوتوبيس المقرئين؟ شفتوا شمسوي الأزهر في هالموضوع؟ يعني ما كان الموضوع بهالحساسية في الستينات

أخيرا.... للي ما يتابع موجا كوميدي، الإعلامي سيد أبو حفيظة يقدم نشرة الخامسة والعشرون يوميا (الساعة السادسة تقريبا)... من أحب البرامج على قلبي ولو إن ما عاد يضحكني مثل قبل

وعلى فكرة – سي دي أصالة الجديد تجديد وتحدي عظيم

واللي يسمع شربل روحانا يحس إنه خلط رقي موسيقى مرسيل خليفة على جنون كلمات زياد الرحباني
ولا عزاء لولد الديكاني


rai said...

تسلملي شخابيطك :)

Mohammad Al-Yousifi said...

جنون العظمة

نقطة مثيرة جدا

لكن الى الآن لم أصل الى الاجابة , هل الناس تجعل المجنون مجنونا بتطبيلهم له على كل شيء

أم ان الناس أكثر جنونا من المجنون و لذلك يتمكن من اقناعهم بجنونهم و ان من حقه السيطرة عليهم


Eng_Q8 said...

القوميه العربيه تحطمت بعد الغزو

محد قوميه

Shurouq said...

يا حلو دماغك

من زمان، وماله علاقة بالقومية العربية لا من بعيد ولا من قريب

القهر إنه تركيا مو راضية تعترف بالإبادة، والأرمن صوتهم خافت

إذا ما تكون عندنا غيرة على الإسلام على شنو نغار؟ على طباخ الوالدة؟

فيديو موجا ما يضحك، أعطيه فرصة ثانية؟

أصالة قاعدة تتطور، وشربل حليو بس ما يقايش يم خفة دم وعفوية زياد، السهل الممتنع.. شربل مؤدب لدرجة ثقل الدم أحيانا

Arfana said...


long time no see! :-)

أول مرة تعلق تقول شي مفيد
فكرة عجيبة فعلا

تصدق مو قادرةأتخلى عن الفكرة

wallah i miss u
ماهي أحلام القومية هي الي تخللي واحدة مثلي تستانس على الاحتمال البعيد أن يكون عندنا بطل من أي نوع

أدري تركيا مو معترفة، بس احنا مقصرين إن ما نعرف شي مفيد

الغيرة كيادة
أما أبو حفيظة، فلازم تشوفين بقية الحلقات أو 3 على الأقل، بعيدن قوليلي رايك

أنا نعاك تماما في موضوع شربل، هو طالع خلطة هذا ليش مؤدب
يعني مرسيل لو يفحط ما يألف أغنية "دكتور" مالت زياد

ولو سمحتي أبي كاكاو... متى؟

Anonymous said...

Four commentators, three men and a woman.

Shurooq, you outshine - by far - your fellow commentators and provided an extremely sufficient and astute comment. I am so proud to call you a fellow Kuwaiti.

You may regard this comment as inferior to yours as my fellow genders'.



Where's your usual and charming cheerfulness?

No offense meant though, you're still charming.

Shurouq said...

Ukh lo tadreen.. I'm hitting rock bottom I can use all the kakao I can get.
Chocolate Bar mid-next week?

You're too kind! And you sound like an anonymous I just replied to on my blog :)

Anonymous said...


You're most welcome and I am the same commentator.

By the way, chocolate will never lift your spirits up. Didn't you know that sugar causes depression, as well as other things?

Try resorting to nature whenever you feel down. Anywhere that is natural and has little to no processing that humans have inflicted on the land.

Try the beach, desert, or even a vast man-made garden (resort to the last only if the two other options aren't available). This, along with some natural green tea, would lift your spirits up.

And if done on a regular basis, you'll feel so good you'd think you were high.

Arfana said...


dear choose a nickname so we can track your comments :-)
Cheerfulness comes and goes... don't pressure me lol

Don't listen to anonymous, chocolate, as we have proved many times, does wonders for depression! Mid next week works for me :-)

Anonymous said...

And there it is.

Welcome back cheerful :-)

فريج سعود said...

يعني تخربطين بالاكل واحنا الي ناكلها ؟

بس سيد ابو حفيظة عجييب على اي قناة هذا ؟

Arfana said...


I am still at my request to get u a nickname :-p

فريج سعود
أي خرابيط عندي انتو بتاكلونها... ان كانت خرابيط أكل أو غيرها
ولو سمحت مرة ثانية إقرا عدل... قناة موجا كوميدي

Temetwir said...

3elaagat el3erbaan ib bany israeel nafs 3alagaat naser elm7amad eb a7mad el fahad..
e3yaal 3am, wa la3ala bel shakel yetshabehoon ba3ad ma gass sha3ra bo fahad, o kelman lah afwajan mofawaja mn elnaas tetba3ah.. o thalath tarba3hom for the wrong reasons (or so i claim)..
allahoma ma ekhtalfaw 3al araathy lena wa7ed anaasta eltadweej b swaisra welthany jawwa mzaayan ebil..

fa laish mestagreba lah shefty beny 3mooma tahaweshaw?
bas yethal elsoal elaham.. mno el yahoodi in the analogy above


and ru saying obama's messsage between the lines was not something new from the US?
plz advize

Anonymous said...


Quit pestering the girl, you and I both know that Obama - no matter how hard he tries - will not change anything in regards to the Israeli/US terrorist collaboration since he must work within the oppressive institute.

Obama knew this in advance, otherwise he wouldn't have made it to the presidency in the first place - which is exactly why great and patriotic people like Ron Paul, Kucinich, and McKinney never made it, and why the latter was kicked outta Congress a couple of times by AIPAC.

You see, these three don't know how to "wink" when they're talking about Israel.

And now the cute girl knows as well ;-)

Arfana said...

i love that people feel free to have discussions without me on my blog! I miss that! The new bloggers have no patience to discuss anything and they apologize for replying to each other and not the blog owner. I'm totally against that!


Temi my nephew ;-)

I loved your analogy. As for Obama, I thought it was brilliant how he balanced the assertiveness regarding US position towards Israel (a real first coming from a US president addressing arabs) vs. the "wink". What astonished me wasn't that. It's that the idiots didn't get it! Not one bit!

The anonymous who needs a nickname,

Temi was bord to pester me and for that i love him so :-p Leave him alone lol
I do believe though that he made "half solutions" quite desireable. Ya3ni he used the three statements palestinian authorities have always used, and combined that with the "OK" for two countries. La3alla w 3asa arabs compromise since no one seems to be gaining anything out of this very very long war.

Arfana said...

bord = born

Anonymous said...

Yes ma'am

Temetwir said...

hey anony,
well let's set some things str8 before we move on:
a. US foreign policy is dictated by way more than merely the palestinian/arab/muslim vs israeli/jewish/zionist case (however one wishes to label it)

b. obama was set to change the above mentioned foreign policy since before he won the democ primary, so as naive as it may make me seem or sound, i do believe that his personal convictions have a lot to do with it .. and im backing this up with bush's own convictions and how it has affected his presidency
in other words, i used to think that the US president was a puppet controlled by lobbyists (of all fronts, corporate and otherwise), but now i grew out of that perception and would rather think a (wo)man in that role can be held accountable on more personal grounds..
be that as it may, the US (as a country) cant afford -literally, mind u- to be still fighting the whole world.. thus perhaps it wouldnt be the lousiest of hypotheses to consider that regardless of whom it was in the white house (person/party) now, a milder tone like obama's in cairo couldve been inevitable

- now as for the 'great & patriotic' part, first of all, its nice to see that el ekhteraa3 elkwaity of e7tekaar sokook elwa6aneya has been exported to the US.. second, sorry but i dont know who kucinich & mckinney are, plz advize
as for ron paul, when u say "never made it", i assume u mean to presidency? didnt he opt of not running for the primary mid-way? and even if he did, dont u think the guy is too 'soft' for what the republicans have come to be accustomed to?
i mean, if ur not in FOX's and O'Reilly's good graces, then u cant possibly self-respectfully call urself a Republican, can u? :P

that being said, yes, Obama cant "force" anything, but the fact that he would even suggest it is (to me at least) ground-breaking in terms of coming to terms with the conflict..
when he says that the settlements' continued construction is in violation of agreements and doesnt serve the purpose of peace, i am but forced to sense that this guy is winking both ways (ma legait tarjama 7ag "yel3ab 3ala el7ablain" heh)
the gaza and elthiffa being mentioned in terms other than war-zones, as well as a 2-state solution which does not dictate the un-division of elquds o meno yakheth el east and all that.. by all that, i maintain that there is a huge difference in tone and msging btwn the lines

is it to say that he will be the saviour? la 6ab3an, ana agol khal yefachich bely 3enda eb deerta awal .. 3al agal lel7eena ma ssak 3ala m7amad el sager yom 6ala3 o gaal ba7el gatheyat falas6een bel barlaman el3arabi heheh

correction: i was born to hit on u, bas wath3 ilsoug maysaa3id ;P

bas la jad, yea i do personally agree that it was blown out of proportion in terms of how he put 2 and 2 together..
but to be honest ana awal shay sawaita was i wanted to see the affect the speech had on the israelis .. i mean, kalmat el Nittin-yahu a couple of days ago about how HE sees the 2-state solution being carried out just goes to suggest how personally the israeli took Obama's quotations from elQuran ;)
yet STILL, el nittin-yahu speaking about peace, regardless of how messed up his notion of it is? so soon after Obama's cairo speech? cant be coincidence, now can it?
one step at a time, kids

Anonymous said...


Damn you write the longest comments (which I actually do myself and will consider revising after reading yours) but I read what you had to say and well .. both you and Arfana are halfway there and I'll tell you why.

But first, you mention that the US foreign policy is not decided merely by Palestinian-Israeli issues, but you failed to mention what the other factors are.

You say that "obama was set to change the above mentioned foreign policy" and here's where you're wrong.

Obama won the presidency to change things yes, but not when it comes to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. He cannot and is not allowed to do that since "one's stance" on foreign policy is what gets you elected into office, not vice versa. If there were previous indications of Obama being pro justice in this regard, he would not have made it.

As far as his personal convictions, well I don't know him so I cannot decisively judge. Yeah, he seems like a great guy (and probably is) but he remains a blank page, which is why so many people are painting their own picture of what Obama is and what he may achieve (all part of that charming yet blank page package).

Obama will change things, but not on the Israeli/Palestinian situation since the US support for Israel is the shitty part of the package Obama must agree with to get to office in the first place.

Yes, Obama's speech may sound "hopeful" at first glance, but it is nothing but talk, since:

1- Obama - despite his mentioning of a Palestinian state - is still funding many - if not all - illegal settlements in the West Bank, settlements which should not be there but removed. Obama's speech contradicts his actions of illegal settlement support.

2- Obama fully supports various programs that are implemented by Israel and that are obscene in their inhumanity; settlements, movement restrictions, separation wall and its outcomes, willful murder and starvation of the Gazan population. There was no mention of these things since it is US foreign policy (not Obama) that's in control.

3- Obama holds Iran - and only Iran - to the Non Proliferation Treaty in regards to nuclear weapons while holding a "don't ask don't tell" attitude with Israel.

So as much as you want things to be resolved (I want 'em bad too) The Arab Peace Initiative will never take place while Obama is in charge (or any other party - both democrats & republicans are the same in their submission to US foreign policy in regards to Israel).

I really hope I'm wrong on this, but I doubt it, look at records.

Oh and don't type English/Arabic, can't read that.

Anonymous said...

Oh and Temetwir,

You got it all wrong in regards to the US vs. the entire globe.

The United States CAN and HAS afforded to fight the entire world. It has done so for decades (review the UN resolutions where the entire world lies on one hand, the States and Israel on the other).

You got it backwards buddy, it's the world that cannot afford to be at war with the United States.

Naughty little countries who do not do what Big daddy tells them end up like Iraq (or Iran in the future, a country that still holds its head high and refuses to kiss American ass - very dangerous attitude).

Trust your gut or first instincts regarding Obama, you got it right the first time round.

Anonymous said...

الكويت ضحية عملية نصب عالمية

الطاقة النووية السلمية أصبح موضوع قديم عفى عليه الزمن ومحفوف بالمخاطرومعظم الدول المتقدمة بدأت تستعمل بدائل أخرى سلمية للطاقة أقل تكلفة وأقل خطرا وتحقق نفس النتائج .. فلماذا لانبدأ من حيث انتهى الأخرون؟ لماذا نشترى دائما التكنولوجيا القديمة سواء فى المجال العسكرى أو السلمى؟ لماذا نحاول أن ندخل فى متاهات النووى ونحن دولة من دول العالم الثالث التى تستورد التكنولوجيا بخيرها وشرها وفى هذه الحالة الشر أكثر من الخير حسب كل الدرسات والأبحاث على مستوى العالم كله ؟

الطاقة النووية وحتى السلمية منها لها مخاطرعلى المدالقصيروالطويل منها أنه لايوجد حل معقول للتخلص من النفايات النووية .. اذا تخلصنا منها فى البحر أو فى أعماق التربة فهى ستسمم المحاصيل والاسماك .. واذا حدث لاقدر الله زلازال وانفجرت المحطة فهذا انفجار نووى كامل .. أما اذا أخطأ عامل فالخطورة قائمة وهناك حادثة “ثرى ميل ايلاند” بالولايات المتحدة و” تشرنوبل ” فى أوكرانيا بسبب التقصير البشرى.. هذا بالاضافة الى ارتفاع نسبة الاصابة بسرطان الدم للبشر المقيم قرب المحطات النووية ” طبقا للتقارير البريطانية والألمانية”.

وأخيرا لابد من ذكر قول خبير الطاقة النووية النمساوى Erwin Mayer فى يوليو 2008 ان ما يحدث الأن هو أخر محاولة قوية جدا للوبى الطاقةالنووية و بصرف النظر عن المفاعلات النووية و خطورة أعطالها والتى تتكرر بصورة تكاد تكون أسبوعية وعدم وجود حل لمشكلة دفن النفايا النووية يرى مثلما يرى العالم النمساوي Peter Weish أن نهاية صناعة المفاعلات النووية فقط قد تم تاجيلها بصورة أصطناعية لأنه على الأكثر فى خلال 40 سنة سينفذ كل مخزون اليورانيوم وهو اللأزم لتشغيل المفاعلات النووية.

الأتجاة لتوليد الكهرباء أو تحلية مياة البحر بأستعمال المفاعلات النووية اتجاة خاطى 100% و البديل هو الطاقة الشمسية وطاقة الرياح.

هناك 4 مقالات هامة عن هذا الموضوع و هى النووى كمان و كمان ـ كارت أحمر ـ كارت أخضر ـ الأشعة الذهبية.

ارجو من كل من يقراء هذا ان يزور ( مقالات ثقافة الهزيمة) فى هذا الرابط:

Arfana said...


كل واحد تعليقه اطول من الثاني
it actually took me all this time to read and comprehend what u guys are saying

when it comes down to instinct, I'm pretty sure that the Pal/Isr conflict will never ever be resolved by the USA since this particular conflict is very beneficial for them and their budgets.

Short and simple... follow the money

Keep them coming :-)

New anonymous,

شكرا على الموقع وأول ما يصير عندي فسحة وقت راح أعدي عليه

Anonymous said...

Cute Girl,

Bulls eye :-)

It is all about the money, among other things but that's what it boils down to.

It's truly heartbreaking how millions are suffering from it, though. Stand up for the weak and the repressed.

blacklight said...

:) missed u

Arfana said...


والله انشغلت وكاني رديت