Monday, July 31, 2006

The Kuwait Chapter of the Lebanese American University Alumni Association invites you and your family for a gathering at the Lebanese Embassy "Lebanon Hall" on Friday the 4th of August, 2006 at 5:00 pm for the purpose of raising financial and material donations as well as demonstrate solidarity with all of Lebanon.

A relief center has been established in the Lebanese Embassy which is open all days (including Fridays) from 10:00 am till 8:00 pm. All cash and material donations are accepted. A K-net machine is available.

The supplies needed are the following:
- Sugar
- Rice
- Any kind of canned food
- Diapers
- Clothes (New or washed and packed)
- First aid kits
- Candles
- Other useful items
Listen UP media
The western media is bias.
We all know this and have seen evidence of such!

The massacre in Qana was dealt with lightly and interviews with the Israeli Army representatives were conducted where they have justified their attack on civilians by:
Well.. DUH.. we warned them and asked them to leave the south for their own safety!

It reminded me of the animal hunting regulations in the US when it said it was ok to shoot animals if the animals are attacking you…. So hunters now shout “it’s coming at me” before they shoot in order to legalize their action.

The media is also responsible for the wider belief that Hezbollah is a terrorist group! While Hezbollah is a resistance militia and has never conducted any attacks outside Lebanon (except in latest defense against Israel).

Please click here if you’re interested in knowing more about Hezbollah

ولأبناء عمومتي الليبراليين .... يرجى قراء آخر مقالات د. نصر حامد أبو زيد "العقلانية العوراء والليبرالية العوجاء"

That same media is claiming that Hezbollah started all this by arresting two Israeli soldiers ON LEBANESE grounds. No one is asking WHY where these soldiers there to begin with??? Is no one asking how many Lebanese POWs are still in Israeli prisons?

Regardless of what you think of Hezbollah, write a complaint to BBC and CNN in support of the Lebanese and make sure you place total blame on Israel.

BBC “News Watch” already received viewers’ comments saying that BBC is IGNORING Israel!!!!!


Click here for BBC

then here
for CNN

the more pressure we create, the louder we are, the clearer they hear us!

And don’t forget,

Support the Wafa Group


Anonymous said...

Thanks 2rfana for the links.. Great ideas!
And, hey .. finally I got a chance to comment first ;)

فيزوقراطي said...

يعطيك العافية على هذه اللفتة.


مبروك، منها للأعلى ;) عقبال البلوج

Arfana said...


lol merci ya okhchi o shiddo el himma :-)

yeah i'm sick and tiered of dispute over 7izballah, time for some action no?

Anonymous said...

FizoKra6i ..

Thanks .. LOL.
And, noooooooooo I'm too old for this. I barely have the energy to keep up with the reading ;)

The only motive I have to get a blog is to be able to comment to 3olyat elkawm like you :))


To all fairness, I think CNN are much more balanced than other news agencies. They are covering an angle that is rarely addressed: the Israeli Arabs. They also interview more of the war opposing forcing in Israel than any other.

Nonetheless, pressure is needed on all to maintain momentum. Blogs like yours and chatrooms are continually monitored by policy makers to see how people think. They are also used by israelis to promote thier case. These are great channels for them to HEAR us!

ya36eech Alf 3afyaaaaaaa !

Arfana said...


3arab 48 are what i call people in limbo

CNN is using them to reduce the impact of attack on Israel and make it sound like Arabs hitting Arabs, and enhance the "7izballah are extremest" point of view. Just wait and see... I've watched CNN enough to establish a pattern lol


mosh hanakhtalif :-*

Unknown said...

شغل مضبوط وملاحظة ذكية
امنيتي ان تغيري اسم البلوق

Mohammad Al-Yousifi said...


اختلف معك فأنا ارى ان البي بي سي بالذات من اسبوع و اهم حاطين حطة على اسرائيل و قاعدين يفضحون جرايمهم و يركزون على مخالفاتهم بشكل مكثف

بالنسبة لتسمية حزب الله بالارهابي فهذه بسيطة

انا اليوم لو اكتب بلوج ضد امريكا أصير ارهابي و باكر اذا ذليت و سحبت كلامي اصير متعاون و تنموي و ذكي

و القذافي خير دليل

Fuzzy said...

wallah its a plan to wipe out Hezballah, many arab countries blessed it !

Arfana said...





المشكلة في البي بي سي تحديدا انهم يتكلمون عن دور سوريا وايران وما ييبون طاري دور أمريكا ودفعات الأسلحة

أنا عادة أتابع البي بي سي بدل ما ترفع ضغطي السي ن ن بس هالمرة الأثنين حاريني

أما القذافي، فالأخ ضارب من زمان وليس على المجنون حرج


very true, but we can't let this happen to lebanon. regardless of how we feel about 7izballah.

Anonymous said...

LoooL .. Sorry Juveg, but I think we're all too tiered to reply to your argument since we've beaten this to death in 2rfana’s previous 2 posts. Please check :)

Arfana said...


you brought up an excellent point; it is not time to argue about 7izballah. It is wasted energry to try to convince each other while the western media is totally supportive of killing ALL of lebanon.
Let's focus on Israel.

Thank you though o 7ayyak allah :-)

Temetwir said...

done and done

Arfana said...


merci yakhoya :-)

Trina Flowers said...

While there are times that the American media is pro-government I don't think they are being biased in covering this Israeli-Hezbollah conflict. Now some commentators may appear to be biased one way or the other, but the media organization itself--NO. But isn't the point of the media to present ALL sides of an issue?

However, I am enclosing a "history test" some of your readers may want to review. I have no doubt that I will once again be misquoted or my comments taken totally out of context; however, in the interest of bearing light on the issue of why some might be biased--review the test below:


Please pause a moment, reflect back, and take the following multiple choice test.

The events are actual events from history.

Do you remember?
-1968 Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by:
a. Superman
b. Jay Leno
c. Harry Potter
d. Muslim male extremist between the ages of 17 and 40

1. In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and
massacred by:
a. Olga Korbett
b. Sitting Bull
c. Arnold Schwarzenegger
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

2. In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over by:
a. Lost Norwegians
b. Elvis
c. A tour bus full of 80-year-old women
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

3.During the 1980's a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by:
a. John Dillinger
b. The King of Sweden
c. The Boy Scouts
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

4. In 1983, the US Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by:
a. A pizza delivery boy
b. Pee Wee Herman
c. Geraldo Rivera
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

5. In 1985 the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by:
a. The Smurfs
b. Davy Jones
c. The Little Mermaid
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

6.In 1985 TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens, and a US Navy diver trying to rescue passengers was murdered by:
a. Captain Kidd
b. Charles Lindberg
c. Mother Teresa
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

7.In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by:
a. Scooby Doo
b. The Tooth Fairy
c. Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

8. In 1993 the World Trade Center was bombed the first time by:
a. Richard Simmons
b. Grandma Moses
c. Michael Jordan
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

9.In 1998, the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by:
a. Mr. Rogers
b. Hillary Clinton, to distract attention from Wild Bill's women
c. The World Wrestling Federation
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

10.On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two were used as missiles
to take out the World Trade Centers and of the remaining two, one crashed into the US Pentagon and the other was diverted and crashed by the passengers.
Thousands of people were killed by:
a. Bugs Bunny, Wiley E. Coyote, Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd
b. The Supreme Court of Florida
c. Mr. Bean
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

11.In 2002 the United States fought a war in Afghanistan against:
a. Enron
b. The Lutheran Church
c. The NFL
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

12. In 2002 reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and murdered by:
a. Bonnie and Clyde
b. Captain Kangaroo
c. Billy Graham
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

So, to ensure we Americans never offend anyone, particularly fanatics intent on killing us, airport security screeners will no longer be allowed to profile certain people. They must conduct random searches of 80-year-old
women, little kids, airline pilots with proper identification, secret
agents who are members of the President's security detail, 85-year old Congressmen with metal hips, and Medal of Honor winner and former Governor Joe but leave Muslim Males between the ages 17 and 40 alone.

Anonymous said...

Thank you F. Trina for the lovely history quiz. But what is your point exactly?! The clearer you become the easier it would be for us to 'understand' you!

White Wings said...

all is done
يعطيك الف عافية على المجهود

Temetwir said...

trina flowers,
good thinking for having these as multiple choice questions, simply because you wouldn't be able to handle the reasons why some of the events you mention happened in the first place

also, the many different events you mention seem to suggest that you (the writer) draw no difference whatsoever and have no awareness whatsoever of the different groups carrying them out .. to you (the writer), they're all some part of a world organization that employs "muslim male extremists between the ages of 17 and 40"

and as if that was not idiotic or shallow enough, your listing of these events with the constant "d" answer seems to suggest that you think they're all the same and all "muslims" around the world condone these acts and want to see them hapenning

i guess what i'm trying to say is this:
pass an IQ test, then come here and give us a history test

oh and i won't even dignify your comment with a response of giving you a full history test concerning the US' different adminstrations involvement and carrying out of war crimes and killings of innocent lives that are just as shameful as al qaeda's terrorist attacks.. but hey how about a preview, iran 53-79? cambodia 73? iraq-iran 80-88? iran air flight 655?
wont bother u with the 90s (ah yes, the 90s) and won't bring up iraq and now lebanon

i wouldn't dignify her contribution with asking about a "point"
clearly, ms. flowers needs to grow up, wisen up, get up to speed, and then - and only then, would she be fit to try to make a point

i find it interesting really, more so than ironic, that ms flowers ask: " But isn't the point of the media to present ALL sides of an issue " yet she persists on a one-sided, shallow, in-hindsight argument

ms flowers, i really, really think you should be ashamed of yourself

Trina Flowers said...


First, let me thank you for proving a point in writing I made earlier today.

Second, I didn't "write" the test and purposely left part of the original off for the very reason you proved.

And I can't thank you enough for that.

Have a very nice day because you just made mine and in record time.

Temetwir said...

trina flowers,
i'm really not sure what point i have proven
if you didn't write the test yourself, then you did not link to its source neither
you only wrote that you are enclosing a history test some readers may want to review for as to why some ppl might be biased

also, the last paragraph seems as if it was written by yourself .. if it wasn't, then again, you have not specified so nor did you link to its source

moreover, if you are merely copying the "test" just to show why some ppl are biased (i.e. based on the recurrence of "d") and that they are to be excused, then, again, you do not specify anything about your intention - let alone not sourcing your material..
by the same token, if you have shown the test to show why some ppl may be biased (again, by the recurrence of "d"), and wished to stay neutral as to not pass judgement, then again, you did not specify such a point

the part about being misquoted and your comments being taken out of context is also irrelevant because there was nothing to misquote nor to take out of context but that which you have failed to source and iterate is not your own material

if anything, thank you for proving that you do indeed need an IQ test

Trina Flowers said...


Again, let me thank you.

For your information the "history test" was written in response to profiling and the primary audience at the time was for our lawmakers and left-wing liberals and also in support of our country and our troops.

I have no idea who the author is. The last paragraph of my post you seem to take such issue with was NOT written by me; it's part of the original letter that included the "TEST."

However, the first two paragraphs were written by me.

As for my statement about being misquoted or text taken out of context was in reference to a previous post on THIS blog and you would know that if you had been reading this blog for the last 6 weeks.

As I said earlier, I purposely didn't "quote" the test to prove an issue I had written about previously and to gather more evidence of my thesis for my research.

I might suggest it would behoove you to learn something about critical reading, analytical thinking, logic and committing numerous fallacies such as ad hominem, rush to judgment, appeal to emotion, to name a few.

As for my IQ, I graduated from grad school with a 3.9/4.0 and without any wasta.

I will tell you that your comments are part of my latest research and I sincerely hope you keep up your "good" work because it makes my job a lot easier.

Have a nice day.

Temetwir said...

trina flowers,
i was not aware that it was required of myself to know of your existence yesterday, let alone six weeks ago and on this space in particular

anyway, i am not sure how your enclosing of an undocumented text of a test - which you say you do not know who the author of is, nor do you note is not yours - can come to benefit you for research when you do not mention anything about a required task of the readers except to review..
well i have reviewed the text, and although it is not yours, the mere fact that you would use it as a way of research in itself obligates me to ask of you kindly to mention that i have said such a test is idiotic and shallow for the facts of it summing up resistance groups alongside denounced terrorist organizations; in addition to the fact that there is no mention whatsoever in the chronology involved to some of these events

as for your "purposely not quoting the test to prove an issue you have written about previously", i would like to advise you that a comments' section on a blog, where you come in and present material which is not yours as being yours "purposely" would, naturally, entail the perception by readers that the text is yours.. therefore, if i have said that the test does not follow a chronology and is just a bunch of multiple questions that will always and under all circumstances end up in the choosing of "d", then i reserve the right as the reader to bring it to your attention that there are numerous misconceptions that are neither researched in the first place nor objective given the nature of the always-to-be-chosen answer

regardless, even if that were to be granted, adding no further information as to what the task is does not really help in your finding certain results, i.e. you do not turn the focus of the reader to a certain point which you will later measure and take into account (except my above comments) .. i would like to know how many groups you have and who are your control group as well for this little data collection of yours

as for your suggestion, i find it quite ironic that you are the one who is advising me to read about analytical thinking and logical fallacy, when you do not present any argument in the first place - for the lack of presentation of your original material, as well as not determining a task

i am not sure where the phrase "without any wasta" comes from, except perhaps that you have a certain preconception that borders on the lines of prejudice perhaps? ad hominem, you say? determinacy of conclusion in the absence of sufficient knowledge?
a little bit of modus tollens going on around here don't you think? :)

and since i am going down in your little latest research, i think it would be only ethical that you adhere to my request of you to kindly jot me down as a 22 year old who has aced his IGCSEs at 16, obtained his BA in linguistics, and has just passed the taught part of his MA in Britain scoring a Pass with Distinction as granted by the Board of Examiners .. 'with no wasta', rest assured

and i am making a jolly good day out of this pleasant discourse, thanks to you so very much

i suggest kindly that you iterate your intention again and present the text a second time noting what needs to be noted so that people can take you seriously and thus offer you the data you wish to obtain for your research

Trina Flowers said...


If I had stated my objective initially then I wouldn't have received your immediate reactive response thus defeating my purpose.

There is no reason for you to know who I am, but you're a fairly regular blogger as I am and I've read a number of your other comments. I apparently wrongly assumed you had been following this blog more closely and might have seen the previous post I referred to--my mistake.

The letter was to make a specific point on profiling as I've already stated and was used in relation to OUR country and OUR citizens.

We make our points in a variety of manners, not your one size fits all approach as some other educational systems teach.

I am very familiar with the British educational system both in and out England. But your self-proclaimed accolades have been duly noted.

Your correct--there never was any argument.

The without wasta comment comes from much experience in the educational field in Kuwait.

I already obtained the data I wanted and again thank you.

Good luck to you in your future endeavors.

Anonymous said...

Dear F. Trina,

Again thank you for sharing. I refrained from replying to you yeaterday because you post was full of logical and historical mistakes that it was hard for me to understand your point. I was confident that you could not be so stupid. I am happy we ruled that out.

Assuming we are all part of your exepriment, you must know that there are ethical and scientific research methods guidelines that you have to abide with (Check APA guidelines). I don't see you following any of them. This does not only affect the validity and reliability of your findings, but it also poses many ethical problems. Is that part of your research too? Or do guidelines only apply in civilized world?


Please check the link below and maybe share it with some of the lost souls in other blogs ;)

Trina Flowers said...


Thank you for your comments. The information I have been collecting (some of it for years) is not for scientific or academic purposes.
It's used only as supporting material acquired through public domains.

Arfana said...

white wings,

thank and you'll soon receive a fruit basket for your contribution. We have lots of FRUITS madri shensawwi feehom lol

Arfana said...

trina, temetwir, and ummel3yal

research or no research, here's my reply to the gist of trina's comment

“with the three of you here so harsh and hung up on academics, I felt the need to spell-check my comment before posting it. Thank u for ruining it lol”

Now, Trina believes the media organization isn’t biased, but represents all point of views.

I do not believe that this is true.
If this is the case, stories would be balanced. They’re not!
If this is the case, they would refrain from using “labels”. They’re not!
If this is the case, interviews would show both sides equally. They’re not!
If this is the case, they would abide by journalistic ethics and commentators, accordingly, are obliged to remain unbiased. This is NOT the case.

Regarding Trina’s quiz,
1) it has taken the original discussion out of context and triggered a reaction that will only consume others’ energy in meaningless dispute (meaningless to our cause Trina, though supportive of your research)
2) the questions are biased, especially if you exchange them with Temi’s questions and add the atrocities made by Israeli’s throughout the years (say the word and we can list them for you).

None of us here is "anti-American people", we are all "anti-American government" because of their continuous support to Israel.

W lawwa3to chabdi bel spell check lol

Trina Flowers said...



Arfana said...


this is usually one of my early readings in the morning, thank you though :-p


no seriously, it's right on!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ZaiiiiiiiN :p~

Sharing is caring :D

BTW when and where did Trina write in your blog?

Arfana said...


post titled "long scary post"

on last month's archives

Temetwir said...

check these videos, you wouldnt see them (ever) these days on any media outlet

1. 7areeri Jr on 7izbala, based on 7areeri Senior (alla yer7oma) - note: for anyone yaby yetmaila7, we know the title "Lebanese PM" is wrong

2. watch the first minute, 15 seconds
so .. yeah

loved the article, much needed after reading certain "writers" in alqabas

Anonymous said...

Thanks Temetwir for the video links! I loved Nasrallah's ;)

I also love 'nafsik' (note: for anyone yaby yetmaila7, we know the title "Lebanese PM" is wrong).. LOL

Fuzzy said...

how many children died while we are commenting ?

Humans advanced enough to go into an economical war rather than traditional warfare, moshkela el Human Greed !

Anonymous said...

2rfana, to assert your point of media bias:

Then,check these links and try to enjoy your weekend :)

فيزوقراطي said...

I guess that I have missed alot here. Walla wedi I go through the long comments .. but they so long. would anyone summarize?!? :P

I only read the licture from MidEastInstitute today. It is moderate somehow. But it gives an impresion that the first speaker is a little bet afraid of saying Hizbolla are not terrorist, however he made it clear indirectly.

Media Bias! Wow, media is biased everywhere in the world! whoever has power has the media. Oh, who have has power and money, controls the media ;)

The US and their allies, they only cry when one person of them dies. But have they ever mentioned their massacares?! I doubt they do, without bullshit justification for the naieve my dear fellows Americans.

Arfana said...

el wa7id ma yhidkom broo7kom? ;-)

I actually cought that on manar lol

your input has been wonderful to say the least :-)

please suggest further action? i'm not sure what to do next!

ma tafak shay:-)
just make sure u read zaid's article referred by ummel3yal.

فيزوقراطي said...


QAWEYA el article! two thumbs up!

White Wings said...

we'll be there arfana

KuwaitVoice said...

اللي مو عاجبته البي بي سي يحط على المنار تره وايد زينه

Arfana said...


I wish I had his articulation! ok ok and brains lol

white wings,

great ya3teekom el 3afya, the more the louder :-)

Kuwait Voice,
المنار تمثل حزب الله وتصرح بذلك!فما أتوقع منها تكون محايدة... بس وصلت المسج عالعموم :-)

Anonymous said...

يقول السيد نصرالله .. أنا لا أطلب ولا أناشد .. ولكن لمصلحتكم كونوا رجالا ليوم واحد هناك .. مضحك ومبك بساطة وامتناع أمنيته

cozy said...

God bless them .

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