Monday, June 12, 2006

Long Scary Post
Our Kuwait is Temporary

Here’s something interesting “I think” I understood today. Thanks to Trina Flowers and ضمير الوطن
They brought these articles to my attention:


المصدر: أسرار السياسة العربية - عبدالهادي البكار

Americans plan to change the middle east map again. They want to basically eliminate Arabs all together as Trina has put it:
The world's movers and shakers have drawn maps of the future world; on these maps there is no Kuwait anymore.The year is 2032 and a man and his 10 year-old son are in Manhatten when they come upon a monument. The boy reads the plaque and then says "Dad what were the twin towers?" The father replies: "Son those were the buildings the Arabs destroyed 30 years ago." They continue on and then the son looks up at his dad and says: "Dad what are Arabs?" When Saddam invaded Kuwait Colin Powell was asked by the media if the US would help Kuwait. He responded no, only if Saddam went in to Saudi Arabia. Sheik Jaber, et al, were working to get international help to evict Saddam and threw lots of money at the problem. When the coalition asked how forceful do you want the eviction it was reported it didn't matter as long as the family got the LAND back.”

Why not... after all, they know better

(Thank you Zade)
Does this explain why Kuwait keeps giving away land? Especially to Saudi Arabia.
Is that why there are no future plans for Kuwait?

ليش ما يبونها خمسة؟
Why the 3+1 keep sabotaging every resource we have or could have?

With the mentality of moving tribes, sheep suck the green out and whenever it’s all yellow, they move on?

Is this another Conspiracy Theory”? Or does it actually make sense?


! said...

WE'RE IN SHIT ??????!!!!!!!!!!!

ولاّدة سابقاً ... رانيا السعد ...رانية المنيفي حسب الأوراق الرسمية said...

الحكم من بعد الغزو لديه قناعة بأن هذا كيان زائل ...ويبدو أن مجلس العائلة الموقر يعرف أن 30 سنة هي ماتبقي من النهب لذا سيتسابقون لجمع الأموال وبعدين يهيمون في نواحي الأرض
وهناك قناعة خفية لدي الجموع بذلك لذا يطالبون بمكاسب آنية الولد السابع إسقاط الفواتير

Trina Flowers said...


Thanks for "posting me;" however, my last name is Flowers not Flower.

Also you took part of what I wrote out of context.

I just want this stated for the record.

Arfana said...


looks like we are. The question is, what do we do with this now?

Arfana said...


أنا ما ربطت الموضوع إلا اليوم والفضل للشباب

السؤال ألحين شنسوي؟
موضوع مثل إعادة ترسيم الحدود مع السعودية مر من غير أي تحرك من المجلس أو الناس


Arfana said...


When i posted this I didn't know this was your actual name. Forgive my ignorance.

The part I quoted summarizes the articles referenced and the discussions on sa7at el sefat. At least from my point of view.

I see from your google search that you've been a human right activist and I'm guessing this is why you've been in touch with the entities you've mentioned.

My question is: What have you done with this information? What action was requested when you contacted all those involved?

thanx again for the info

Arfana said...

As you see from sa7at el sefat, this is not yet believable to the public (if it isn't believable to bloggers, how do we expect others to believe it?)

So Trina, if you have actual sources of documents/maps/actions by the Kuwaiti government to support this, it would really help

ولاّدة سابقاً ... رانيا السعد ...رانية المنيفي حسب الأوراق الرسمية said...

شنسوي؟ سؤال صعب
فعائلتي نزحت إلى الكويت قبل 90 سنة...ترى مو وايد...ما يمدي نهاجر مرة ثانية

Arfana said...


الهجرة مو حل للأسف كان هاجرت من زمان:-)

I mean, how can we make this meaningful to others? make sense of it to everyone and on all levels. Of course no would belive it if it sounds so abstract.

Arfana said...


I agree.. and in addition, I think they're offended by the thought its self.

Now this isn't about human rights violation, although it's a big subject! This is about making the message clear to others to make sure change doesn't happen as easy as they want it to be.

Trina Flowers said...

Arfana & Bujwais,

Yes you are correct on many points.
Many people didn't believe me even when I produced evidence from Kuwait Ministries such as my court verdict and the false charges al-Khualifi filed against me with the police.

My case shows how human rights and Kuwait laws aren't respected and how corrupt many government employees are. I have taken on this fight not only for myself but the literally thousands of others that this and worse has happened to that had absolutely no voice.

I am now traveling and attending various meetings to shed light on this problem; once these are done I will be able to publish.

All I ever asked for, for myself and the others was justice based on Kuwait's laws. But the powers that be broke the very laws they were sworn to uphold, even judges.

So where does that leave everyone?

Arfana said...


Thank you so much for your “scientific” contribution

You’re one of my favorite bloggers on sa7at el sefat, and I agree with everything you’ve said here.

Yet, the level of unprecedented corruption never made any sense to me! It’s hard to believe that they can go on such petty power trip for no good reason!

As for our “elite”, law reyayeel sij o 7areem sij; I suggest they discuss
ليش ما يبونها خمس
على حلقات في جرايدهم
Tackling every angle of the subject including this one.

Arfana said...


thanks for the references

I meant rabe3na on power trip!
From soccer to oil... it's rediculous

and I agree, this is exactly my point. When Jassem el Sa3doun alerts everyone about economical possibilities, and suggests immediate actions for long term relief, no one hears him out and is told he's a pessimist.

When the population triples and we use the same water/electricity dimensions, of course we’ll run into vital water & power issues.

و هلما جرا

The BIGGEST problem with rabe3na el intellects, is that they raise issues and cry hard about them without:
1) a plan to resolve it
2) immediate action
3) follow up and measurement of effect

The beauty of nabeeha 5 was it’s methodological approach. That’s why so many of us gathered around it. Ya lait rabe3na el dinasorat yta3llimon.

Arfana said...


ويه يا حلويك!!! وكثر الله من أمثالك

you're smarter than I am, go ahead and suggest ideas... let's form one

Arfana said...


يعطيكم العافية! النقطة الثالثة مهمة لأن الفرق في النسب 3:1 هي النقطة التي تحارب بهاالخمس بالذات من قبل مرشحي العدالة وبالذات في الدوائر "الخارجية" مع اني أكره هالمصطلح

1- communication plan to explain these objectives everywhere and why 5 is better than 25 or 10 or 1 without "أحزاب"

2- actual stories/facts/data about corruption. I see from blogs that some who were involved are still asking why el Khriafi is +1!!!

Now these are great objectives but not a methodology. Unfortunately, you'll end up with corrupt leaders for such campaign (especially ekhwan o salaf like what happened with nabeeha khams)

How do we related to everyone regardless of background/political/religious orientation?

This sounds effective في المناطق الداخلية وبس

Arfana said...


the problem with the existing "leadership" and I specifically want to mention "el manbar" & "el ta7aluf" because I can relate to them most, is that certain dinasours are refusing to give up their glory... although they have non and it's all a propaganda.

El ekhwan have a clear methodology and are more organized, better funded and have higher penetration.

El salaf have a strong audience as well...

can't we stop and ask ourselves why is that the case?

Ta7aluf or manbar also use terminology that most of the "non-elite" can't relate to.

Their objectives is great. My problem is with their methods.

Finally, leave me some space on that Yakht ysalmik. ana a7adiglik 3ashan ma tmoot men el yoo3 wenta tshawwi :-p

Arfana said...


most likely the elections will result in another majority of corrupt MPs.

What do we do after elections?

I think shabab nabeeha khams started very well... and should continue even after

Building on your great ideas, maybe we can arrange open sessions in someone's diwaneya in every single area in Kuwait from Jahra to Salmiya, and from El Shamiya to F7ai7eel...

This will prove that shabab nabeeha khams ARE really represented everywhere.

This action will create contineous pressure as well as increase awareness... lo balaghat shaf el awadem bas :-)

Making sure, making the sessions MUKHTALAT! equal numbers of men and women.

Trina Flowers said...


I was wondering why you attacked me so--and now I know--your writing suggests you're very anti-American.

So I'll ask you, are you anti-American, i.e. the US government or are you flat-out anti-American--ALL Americans and does that include the thousands of Kuwaitis who hold American passports?

Anonymous said...

Looking for information and found it at this great site...

Anonymous said...

What a great site » »